Monday, April 25, 2011


I made an interesting discovery. That happens from time to time.

I've been feeling pretty torn up these days. Beaten to the ground to the point that I can't move. I'm not here to list my problems, but for followers sake, know they exist. Anyone who has seen me around can see it on my face, because I get the "Are you ok? You look awful!" thing a lot. So people know.

Well, Saturday I went to this amazing movement, which the event alone has been a blessing; seeing this idea brought to life because of a single faithful servant. But, at this event, I was asked to give my testimony.

I can not spell out how much I didn't want to.

When I was first asked, I was all for it. I love using my bad life choices to bless others. If one good thing can come from it, it is that. But after the week I had been having prior, I felt like 100% not doing it. It felt hypocritical to be up there talking when I feel that God and I still were hashing things out in a major way in my life.

But regardless, my word is my bond, and even though I felt like darkness in a light place, I ended up sharing. Now, I would be a liar if I said that by sharing my testimony, everything was made better. It didn't, and for a while afterwards, I felt no different. I simply got up there, smiled, and told what God has done in my life, and sat back down. It wasn't until after the event that God showed me something cool.

So, one of the biggest honors that God gives us is the privilege to serve. Serve him, and serve others. I abundantly love this. And while it sometimes it feels like a burden, let's be honest, what doesn't at times? Even when I felt so terribly low, God gave me this privilege to serve, and I completely missed the fact that what I was doing for him.

Which leads me to the previously aforementioned discovery. I know this sounds really, really simple, but follow my thoughts on this: God wants to use us when we don't want to be used.

I know this sounds so basic and rudimentary that it can be passed over, but I believe that often this is missed. We say, "I don't feel like doing X. I'm too stressed, I have too much going on. I have... ect." I can't count the amount of times that I have not done something because I feel too drained, or I feel stressed. And I see others do it as well. Not pointing blame, just making an observation. This leads me to the bulk of my discovery:

REGARDLESS of if we think we can't.

REGARDLESS of if we don't want to.

REGARDLESS of excuses we make.

REGARDLESS of whatever sins we have done.

REGARDLESS of who we have been.

REGARDLESS of what we tell ourselves.

God has called us to serve, regardless of where we are in life; high or low. He didn't ask for excuses, he asked for good and faithful servants. And even if I can't walk, he's not going to just drop me. I will always have the tools to serve. If I have breath, I have a resource to serve others.

If you can't run, you walk.

If you can't walk, you crawl.

If you can't crawl, he's gonna carry you.

Regardless, get out there and serve.

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